PLEASE NOTE: You are free to cancel at any time during your trial. If you do not cancel within the trial period you will be billed for 75% off the normal price of these subscriptions after 30 days. In other words $696 $169. So that's another reason to JUMP on this trial; if you decide to stick around and use my courses for a year you will get them at a whopping 75% off discount. Enjoy.
Here's why you should at least TRY my courses, and decide whether to keep them later...
5 months in: "I can't explain how much my voice has grown since I started"
1 year in: "My voice has grown an insane amount"
2 years in: "it's unbelievable how much I have improved"
2 years in: "Your course has made my dreams come true and I can't believe it"
"Your course is doing a miracle in my life"
2 years in: "I can seriously say that for me, KTVA is the best thing that happened to me"